The Do’s and Don’ts of Job References
Your job references can play a crucial role in the hiring process, offering potential employers insight into your past work performance and character. To make sure your references help you land the job, here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
1. Do Choose References Who Know You Well
Select references who have worked closely with you and can speak to your skills, work ethic, and achievements. Ideally, these should be former supervisors, colleagues, or clients who can provide specific examples of your contributions and strengths.
2. Don’t Include References Without Asking Permission
Always ask for permission before listing someone as a reference. This not only shows respect but also gives your references a heads-up to expect a call or email. Additionally, it allows them to prepare thoughtful responses that reflect well on you.
3. Do Keep Your References Updated
Stay in touch with your references throughout your job search. Let them know when you’ve applied for a job and inform them if they might be contacted. Keeping them in the loop ensures they’re ready to provide a strong recommendation on your behalf.
4. Don’t Use Personal References Unless Specified
Unless a job application specifically requests personal references, stick to professional ones. Personal references, such as friends or family members, typically don’t carry the same weight as professional ones who can vouch for your work-related abilities.
5. Do Provide Relevant Information to Your References
Provide your references with details about the job you’re applying for, such as the job description and key qualifications. This allows them to tailor their feedback to align with the employer’s expectations and highlight the most relevant aspects of your experience.
Your job references are an important part of your job application process. By choosing the right people, asking for permission, keeping them updated, focusing on professional references, and providing them with relevant information, you can ensure that your references provide strong support for your candidacy and help you land the job.